Ethics Online

About Ethics Online

Director: Joe Jenkins

Joe has taught Religious Studies and Philosophy & Ethics for over 30 years. He is the author of several popular A Level and GCSE textbooks, published by Heinemann. Joe’s film-making career started in the 1990’s demonstrating the power of film to command attention, and inspire and generate debate in the classroom. Ethics Online therefore benefits from over 30 years of working directly with young people alongside the production of high quality, cutting edge and dynamic teaching resources.

Writer: Nicky Hansell

Nicky holds a degree in English and Theology from Trinity College, Cambridge. She taught Philosophy and Ethics for many years in a large comprehensive school in Yorkshire and has also taught English up to A level. She has been an R.S. GCSE examiner for OCR, is a writer/filmmaker for Ethics Online, and author of the acclaimed philosophical novel The Sage Train.

Editor & Visuals: Nick Thomson

Since graduating from the University of East Anglia’s Film & Television Studies course, Nick has worked in short films and documentaries and his work has been screened internationally,

Illustrations: Beatrijs Brouwer 

Beatrijs is a London-based freelance illustrator who works in traditional media, watercolour and pen, and digital illustration.

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