Ethics Online

The Sage Train

“The Sage Train afforded me the twin-fold delight of being privy to an insider joke of sorts – reinforcing my knowledge – whilst also exposing me to entirely new circles of thought. Now – two years into my degree – I am still finding it pertinent!”
(Ezra Izer, Caius College, Cambridge) 

The Sage Train is regarded as essential background reading for students of Philosophy and Ethics. A blend of history, biography and fiction, this book gives a thorough insight into the lives and theories of our greatest Western philosophers.

The Sage Train is a powerful tool in digesting the most famous philosophical theories.

Introducing philosophical ideas through fiction is such a dynamic way to get students thinking! And having Nicky offer a question-and-answer session was really exciting too.”
(Dr Elizabeth Mackintosh, former Head of Philosophy and RS, Winchester College.)

NICKY HANSELL studied Theology and English at Trinity College, Cambridge. She taught in a large school in North Yorkshire for many years and is a writer/filmmaker for Ethics Online as well as an established author.

The Sage Train
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